This is our ongoing care package that includes Storage, Copy Documents, Regular Reminders and Discounts for many of our services. We charge a monthly fee payable by Standing Order although we are converting to the Direct Debit system from 2014.

Why is Willcare initially for a minimum of 36 months?

Because of the discounts granted at the outset.

Can I change between the various Platinum, Gold and Bronze options?


Can I cancel my Willcare facility?

Yes (after the initial 36 months).

How do I arrange for the return of my documents?

Simply send us the Document Request form downloadable here.

Why do you charge for Document Returns?

Because of the costs to us e.g. in-house staff time, fees charged by our storage partners and postage.

Can I just leave the document with you?

We are unable to destroy client documents and have to return them to you - otherwise they could potentially create problems in the future.

Why do you charge for Standing Order refunds?

Banks will only accept your instructions to alter or cancel a standing order and we have no control over them (unlike a Direct Debit). Therefore, it is your responsibility to monitor your bank account and if your bank has made an error, then you will need to ask them to correct it.

To guide you carefully through the whole process, we will visit you at a time and place of your choosing within the Thames Valley and South of England

Making Payments

To make a payment online please use the following details:

  • County Douglas Ltd

  • Sort Code 08-71-99

  • Account number 01577798

Please quote your client reference number or Surname with all payments.

A full Tariff and Terms & Conditions are available here and upon request.

We are pleased to offer 10% discount for NHS and Emergency Services Staff.